H3 Heading

The Future of Marine Survey Reports

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How do I add a company logo?

Where can I add my signature?

What is a configuration file?

What is a settings file?

What is a project file?

When do I use a single press or long press?

Common setup questions.

How do I know if InspectX is right for me?

Will I have to learn an entirely new program?

What type of computer do I need?

What happens if my computer fails in the field?

How much does it cost?

Common questions before trying InspectX.

How stable is InspectX?

Do I need to have an internet connection to use InspectX?

When will new features be added?

Do I have to use the provided headings, buttons and Quick Insert text?

Will InspectX work on an IOS or Android device?

Using InspectX.

What is the difference between Configuration and Project changes?

Can I change a Finding's priority level?

How do I Import/Export files?

How many times can I publish the same project?

How do I manually backup my project files?

Can I include the Findings into the body of the report?

Can I publish a separate Findings & Recommendations report?

What will my published report look like?

How do I add images?

How do I know if InspectX is right for me?

  • Do you ever come home from an assignment wishing your day was done?
  • Do you want to streamline your business and maximize your profits?
  • Do you want to have an industry leading and respected report layout?  
  • Have you ever thought that there must be an easier way to complete a lengthy Survey Report?
  • Do you want to maintain consistency while still offering the highest level of specifically customized reports?
  • Are you ever concerned about the liability of missing something important during a Survey inspection?
  • Wouldn't you prefer to enter your Survey notes once and have them automatically generated into a report?

If you answered YES to any of the above, then InspectX is for you. The InspectX Survey Report can be custom tailored exactly the way you want your report to appear, and every Quick Insert Option can be tailored for your specific report style. This save a little time in the field and a whole lot of time by not needing to transcribe handwritten notes once at home.

Whether you perform Hull Surveys, Damage Surveys, Engine Surveys, Electrical Surveys or any type of inspection that requires information to be collected and generated into a report, InspectX is right for you.

InspectX is free to try, so why not download it now and see for yourself?

I have InspectX installed, but I don't have the 'template'.

When you first download InspectX, the program begins with a blank layout and only the very basic starting buttons. This is for those that might prefer to create their own headings from scratch.

If you would prefer to install the Yacht & Small Craft starting template, please go to the installation instructions and continue from step 5.




Common Questions before trying InspectX

How do I add a company logo?

Select "Enter Settings Mode" from the top left menu of the Main Navigation Page. Open the "Organization" tab. Here you can add your company logo as well as any address information you want displayed on the title page. The Organization Name will also appear in the footer of each numbered report page.



Will I have to learn an entirely new program?

The InspectX interface and design is simple and intuitive. Whether you are a novice or experienced computer user you will quickly adapt to the layout of InspectX and be creating reports on the go in no time. While we have made every effort possible to simplify the process, setting up and personalizing your version of InspectX can take a little time (this is easily justified by the time saved once you start using the program).

If you are just starting out, InspectX comes with a pre-loaded Configuration file that contains everything you need to begin a professional and detailed Survey (a thorough selection of Categories, Subcategories, Headings and literally thousands of Quick Insert Options). We highly recommend taking the time to explore the contents of each Heading to gain the most benefit from this configuration file.

If you are currently using a word processor to write your reports the benefits of InspectX will be amazing. Choose whether you want to modify the current Configuration file or start from scratch with your own custom headings that match your current report layout. Use the pre-loaded Quick Insert Options or your own phrases in place of "copy/paste" and you can be sure that each report will be unique and specific to the current assignment.

If you are currently using another report writing program to complete your reports at home you already know how useful having your own Item Choices or Narratives can be. With InspectX you can have access to all these phrases to quickly insert or modify right in the field. Converting these phrases into InspectX is well worth the time and benefits will soon be noticed.


Do I need to have an internet connection to use InspectX?

InspectX uses your computer's local browser but does not require an internet connection to perform a Survey. An internet connection is briefly required once you have completed the Survey and are ready to publish and email the final Report. This is used to verify and pay for the Report prior to publishing.


What type of computer do I need?

The short answer is InspectX will run on any computer with Windows 7 Pro or later; however, without using a touchscreen you will not receive the benefits the interface has been designed for.

In order to best answer this question, we need to look at the two most popular arrangements for running InspectX.

Arrangement 1). Installed on Local Machine.
This is when InspectX is installed on the computer you carry around the vessel during your Survey.

When selecting a computer in this arrangement we chose to primarily focus on machines with long battery life (preferably hot-swappable), a 10" or greater screen size (while you can use any sized screen, we found anything smaller than 10" to be somewhat of a strain for long periods of time), and also a computer running Windows 8 or newer since the newer Windows on-screen keyboard is a vast improvement over previous versions. "Rugged" tablets are great; however, some of these can become quite expensive and might be somewhat overkill for typical use (your paper notes were not anymore water resistance than an everyday tablet).

During our daily use of InspectX, our favorites for this arrangement have become:


Arrangement 2). Installed on Host Machine.
This is when InspectX is installed on a host computer. With this arrangement, any tablet (or even phone) can be used to operate InspectX (all changes are saved on the host computer only). This arrangement requires a basic local network and allows for a virtually unlimited selection of options for what type of tablet can be used.

Panasonic CF-C2 ToughBook.
Somewhat pricey if bought new, but used machines can be found at a very reasonable price.

Panasonic FZ-G1 ToughPad.
Also somewhat pricey, but more compact than the ToughBook above.

Microsoft Windows Surface.
A Microsoft Surface (any version except RT) is a great all-round general work-horse and InspectX capable machine. We added a rugged protection case and found this to work very well.

The computer market for this type of 2-in-one/tablet is large and the available options and selection are growing rapidly.


These "slave" machines do not require InspectX to be installed and can be any touchscreen device with a browser.

This arrangement allows for a large selection of device options as well as the flexibility for multiple Surveyors to collaborate on the same report at the same time.

To create a portable local network we found the easiest solution is with a Hootoo HT-TM05 router which has its own battery.

NOTE: the TP-Link draws very little power so we found it best to use an "Always On" battery source like the Voltaic V-15 USB.

Another option we found to work very well was a TP-Link TL-WR-702N Router coupled with an external USB battery.

What happens if my computer fails in the field?

Computers have streamlined our lives to make our everyday work input infinitely more efficient. With all of the complex systems involved, there is bound to be the occasional mishap. In some ways, the same could be said for taking a notepad and pen into the field. At the end of many assignments my hand-written field notes were barely legible, and we all have a story where the wind got the better of a page or two.

The best solution to this question I have found is backup, backup, backup. A backup of every project is automatically performed within InspectX every 30 minutes (adjustable in the Settings Mode). I like to save those backup files and projects to DropBox but you can select a USB jump-drive or any other location of your choice. If anything should happen to your computer during the Survey at least all your work is recoverable. If you choose to carry a spare backup tablet the entire project can be transferred over and you can continue with little interruption to your day. As a last resort, I carry a backup notepad and pen in case I have to complete the day the "old fashioned" way.

With just the built-in automatic backup plan, each project is already more secure than using a notepad and pen. With a little effort and preparation, concerns of a computer failure can all but be forgotten.


How do I manually backup my project files?

InspectX automatically backs up changes to any project file every 30 minutes by default. Project files can be manually saved/exported from the Project Selection Page. Long press (right click) on the project file you wish to export, and select Export Project to File.


How stable is InspectX?

One of the unique features at the core of InspectX is the secure method of saving data as you work.

Most computer programs save your progress in cached memory as you work, which requires frequent saving to prevent loss of data (as would happen if the computer froze or was suddenly shut-down). While this method is most prevalent, it is also the least secure, as anyone who has ever lost their entire report after hours of transcribing can testify to...

With InspectX, your progress is saved directly into the Microsoft SQL Server Database as each change is made. There is not even an option to "save" your work before closing because it is always saved. The program window can be closed at any time without data loss and if your computer should suddenly shut-down or freeze, the most you can lose is the current single entry you may have been working on. The SQL Server database runs in the background on your computer's primary architecture.

Put simply, every modification you make during the course of an inspection is securely and permanently saved, completely eliminating the most common cause of data loss.


How much does it cost?

InspectX is free to download and install on as many computers as you want. In order to publish a final report (without watermark) you will be required to sign-in to verify your account and purchase that single report. Each report costs $39.00.

Switching or starting out with InspectX is simple and easy with a low publish price that can easily be built into your Survey costs. When compared to the time it takes to transcribe your notes or typist fees, the overall time and money saved make switching to InspectX the smart choice. This is not a subscription service, you only pay when publishing which makes it an easy expense to build into your Survey cost.

As a generally understood rule, most surveyors find it takes an hour in the office for every hour spent onboard the vessel. InspectX eliminates this redundant transcription effort, which in turn, increases your productivity and profit by close to 50% on every assignment! Even without considering how easy the software is to use, and leaving aside the fact InspectX ensures key criteria can never be forgotten during an inspection, or even forget the beautifully styled and professional report it produces, the single fact that InspectX will save you up to 50% time and money on each assignment more than justify the small publishing fee.


How many times can I publish the same project?

Any completed projects that have previously been purchased can be re-published as many times as desired. You can even continue to make changes to any headings or section of your report with the exception of only three fields, which are the ‘Vessel Name’, ‘Client Name’, and ‘Inspection Date’. The software will automatically detect a change to one of these fields as a new project and request payment accordingly. If you find it necessary to make a change to one of these fields after purchasing, simply reach out to us via email (either before or after repurchasing doesn’t matter) and we’ll be able to issue you a credit toward this or a future report.  


Can I copy a project file for the same/similar vessel?

Absolutely. Long press (right click) any project file from Project Selection Page to see the copying options.


There are three different methods to copy a project available on this menu.

Exact Clone
When you copy a project with this selection the new project will be identical. If an item had been marked as Complete on the original, it will remain as Complete in this copy. All Findings & Recommendations and checklist items will be also be copied.

Entries Only
All off the project heading data will be copied and all of the heading buttons will be marked as In Progress. Findings & Recommendations and checklist items are not copied. This is the most frequently used method to start a new project on a similar/same vessel.

Each time you copy a project file a window will request the new client name and vessel name.

Empty Shell
Any Category/Sub-Category/Heading names that had been over-ridden at the project level will be copied. Heading data, Findings & Recommendations and checklist items will not be copied.

Will InspectX work on an IOS or Android device?

InspectX needs to be installed and hosted on a Windows computer, but that computer can be accessed (through a network) from almost any device of your choice. To see an example of this arrangement see above in "What type of computer do I need? or


When will new features be added?

InspectX will grow continuously as our user base grows. We have some amazing features in the works that we think you will love. Your ideas and suggestions help shape the priority of enhancements and your input is always appreciated. When new features are completed you will be alerted that update is available.  


What will my published report look like?

The layout of the report can be adjusted in several ways. Firstly, Re-naming and re-ordering individual Categories and Headings will change the heading and order in the published report. Page-breaks can be added at any Category, Sub-Category or Heading. There are also several layout adjustments that can be made in Settings Mode. NOTE: font adjustment, size and color will soon be added in a future update.

In Settings Mode you have the ability to:Choose how tightly fit you want the page spacing.Choose whether to include cover page, title page, both or neither.Placement of Category Headings, and choose whether each Category starts on a new page.Include the Finding & Recommendation in the report body or a button link to its location in the Summary.Choose whether to include the entry description with the Finding & Recommendation or not.  Choose whether images are inserted at a specific heading, at the specific Finding or in the Appendix (or both).

These and future adjustments allow for personalized control to individually tailor your report to your own style and preference.




Can I copy a project file for the same/similar vessel?

Do I have to use the provided headings, buttons and Quick Insert text?

Absolutely not. InspectX is a platform for you to individualize your Report the way you choose! We include the foundation of what we have found works well for us, but it is entirely your choice whether you want to change our example or start from scratch with your own. Use the "Configuration Mode" (found within the main menu) to create new buttons or make these Global changes.

The difference between Configuration and Project Level changes are better explained HERE.

The published Report can be customized in several ways. You can adjust settings of the interface to change how it is viewed, you can change each Category, Sub-Category and heading. This can be done globally for all projects (learn about the Configuration File HERE), or locally at the Project level only (see the difference between Global and Project Level changes HERE).


Common Setup Questions

What is a configuration file?

A Configuration File contains the location, names and attributes of all the interface buttons as well as their associated Quick Insert Options. These buttons can be freely created, moved, changed etc. to suite your preference, and these changes are stored within this configuration file. When initially modifying InspectX to appear the way you choose, it is this configuration file that holds all of those specific preferences.

To set a second computer up with your exact InspectX configuration (including all of your Quick Insert Options) is easily accomplished by exporting this configuration file and importing it into your second machine. Enter Configuration Mode through the menu in the upper left of the Navigation Page (it does not matter what project you currently have open as configuration changes affect all projects). In the upper left of the Configuration Mode are two gears, one for Importing and one for Exporting. Export your adjusted configuration file, move this file to your second computer and import the file in the same way. Configuration Files are small and can easily be email to other Surveyors within your company if you wish to keep everyone working from the same template.


What is a settings file?

A Settings File store's your chosen settings for the interface layout, how you want the report to display, your personal company information, etc.


What is a project file?

When you copy or create a new survey project all of your associated entries, findings and photographs are stored within that project's file. You can export project files to another computer or even another Surveyor. Remember, if that other computer/Surveyor does not have a similar Configuration/Settings Files that the report or its contents may render differently.


How do I Import/Export files?

While in either 'Configuration Mode' or 'Settings Mode' you will notice the import/export buttons at the top of the page. Select the green arrow to import an associated file or the red arrow to export the file.


Where can I add my signature?

Multiple Inspectors, their Titles and an image of their Signatures can be added in Settings Mode.

Once inserted these Inspectors and their details will appear under the variable code symbol under each heading.


What is the difference between Configuration and Project changes?

Examples of configuration changes would be creating, moving or permanently re-naming any buttons. A configuration change affects your current project as well as your past & future projects that are using that configuration file (more detailed information on a Configuration File can be found HERE).

Think of it as permanently changing the name or location of the selected container, the contents will remain the same no matter the name or location. Configuration changes can only be made while in Configuration Mode and this is easily identifiable when all of the page's buttons turn blue.

All configuration changes are saved within the configuration file, while project level changes are saved within that specific project file. This is especially important to note when first starting out, changes you want to appear in future reports should be done in Configuration Mode.


Can I include the Findings into the body of the report?

Yes, you can choose In the Settings whether you want the Findings & Recommendation to publish inline with the Report or only in the Appendix.


Can I publish a separate Findings & Recommendations Report?

We have learned that brokers and clients alike prefer receiving the Findings & Recommendations separately from the main Survey Report as this can assist them when negotiating a contract. Whether you choose to publish your Findings & Recommendations in the Appendix or inline within the body of the report, you will still always have the option to print/save a separate standalone Report of the Findings & Recommendations.


info@inspectxpro.com -  (561) 600 0098

Copyright 2021 InspectX, inc. All rights reserved.


A project level change is specific to your current project only. These changes can be made within any project by long pressing (right clicking) on the button you wish to change. Project level changes are useful if you want to change a button's title for the current vessel only, without affecting your configuration title, any changes made at the project level will only affect the project you are currently working on.

Configuration Change

Project Change

Whether you choose to publish your Findings & Recommendations in the Appendix or inline within the body of the report, you will still always have the option to print/save a separate standalone Report of the Findings & Recommendations.

Save, change and inter-change Configuration Files as desired.

These settings are all adjusted and saved in Settings Mode and this Settings File can be created and shared with other computers as desired. This is helpful if you want to have multiple computers running InspectX or if you want to have be able to produce reports under different company names.  

It might be easier explained to think of the Configuration File as containers, and the Project File is the actual contents. When you move or change the name of  a container within the Configuration File, the contents of that container remain the same. If you delete a container the contents cannot be stored anywhere and therefore will not be displayed.

Import Project files from the Project Selection Page using the large Import button at the top of the page.

Export specific Project files by long press (right click) and selecting "Export Project To File' from the menu.

How do I install InspectX?

I have InspectX installed, but I don't have the 'template'.