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The Future of Marine Survey Reports

Craig Norton, September 29 2023

InspectX v2 - Cover & Title Pages

InspectX has always had a professional appeal to its auto-generated cover and title pages. The idea of simply adding the basic details and having these pages automatically load content is convenient, but it causes inherent limitations when customizing the content. 

In the pursuit of a balance, we have created a method that can still utilize the auto-generated pre-fills but leaves enough room for choosing what content is displayed.  

The cover and title pages have been separated into sectional blocks where information can be added. 

The content within these blocks can be anything of your choice, and some of these sections allow for numerous lines of text to accommodate additional information on these pages.

Our hope is that with this additional space for content, you'll be able to include an array of custom options on the cover or title pages to better customize these reports to include your content. 

There is no longer any 'required' fields. The vessel name, client name or inspection date can be omitted or changed, and all the textual content can be tailored to your preference. 

The cover and title page fonts also adjust according to the global font selected in the Publish Layout settings. 

We have heard from some surveyors who like to include a 'static cover page' (PDF) and this can be included in every report generated and would appear before this cover and title page.

We hope you find unique ways to customize your cover and title pages in keeping with a professional and quality report. 

Written by

Craig Norton


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