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The Future of Marine Survey Reports

Touch Interface.

Save time with touch input designed specifically for entry in the field.

Comprehensive Reports.

Desktop grade features in your hands.

Industry leading quality reports completed on the go.

Visualize Your Progress.

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Colored categories and buttons simplify which items are incomplete, in progress, or completed.

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Multi-Person Collaboration.

Work together with your team on the same report, at the same time.

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Survey the way you already know how.

Reports YOUR way.


Fast Workflow
Designed on the foundation of quickly navigating your item headings so that software never dictates your inspection process.

Findings & Recommendations
Automatically separates and organizes all of your findings by priority level into a consolidated list while professionally formatting the page references and layout.

Customized Reports
A customized report layout with fully adjustable drag-and-drop categories, sub-categories and headings which can be re-ordered as you want your report to appear.

and so much more...

Designed to Touch
An interface designed entirely with the intention of touch as the primary input.

Review Mode
Open 'Publish Preview'™ to review and easily edit your report before publishing to PDF.

Filter View
Easily refine your on-screen headings to display the headings applicable to you without unnecessary clutter.

Quick Insert Options
Frequently typed phrases or statements can be saved as Quick Insert Options. These can be created on the fly and re-ordered or edited at any time while on the go.

Attach a reminder to any heading that will be displayed in the lower portion of the page to remind you of important checks as you complete your survey.

Stand-alone full featured desktop grade software specifically designed for narrative style reports to be completed in the field.

Check List
Built in check list that functions as a reminder for items onboard still to be inspected or tested.

InspectX is a software platform designed for Marine Surveyors looking to save time, improve their reports and increase their business productivity.  
By incorporating an intuitive method of touch navigation to enter information, users can complete a professional report while in the field during a survey.

The Future of Marine Survey Software

A unique and intuitive touch interface allows fast navigation and detailed text entry at any of your personalized Categories or Headings.

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Colored buttons quickly identify which items are not yet started, in progress, or completed. At a simple glance, you'll know exactly what is left to complete and never risk missing an item again.

info@inspectxpro.com -  (561) 600 0098

Copyright 2024 InspectX, inc. All rights reserved.


Import from Force5
Seamlessly import your report format from Force5 (including all your headings and custom item choices) directly into InspectX.

The Future of Marine Survey Reports

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